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This vignette outlines a basic workflow of:

  • Create a new synthetic matrix by extrapolating from POLYMOD data to a new age distribution
  • Generating a Next Generation Matrix
  • Applying Vaccination Rates
  • Comparing R0 before and post vaccination rates

Create a new synthetic matrix from all POLYMOD data

We can create a synthetic matrix from all POLYMOD data by using the extrapolate_polymod function. First, let’s extract an age distribution from the ABS data.

fairfield <- abs_age_lga("Fairfield (C)")
#> # A tibble: 18 × 4 (conmat_population)
#>  - age: lower.age.limit
#>  - population: population
#>    lga           lower.age.limit  year population
#>    <chr>                   <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1 Fairfield (C)               0  2020      12261
#>  2 Fairfield (C)               5  2020      13093
#>  3 Fairfield (C)              10  2020      13602
#>  4 Fairfield (C)              15  2020      14323
#>  5 Fairfield (C)              20  2020      15932
#>  6 Fairfield (C)              25  2020      16190
#>  7 Fairfield (C)              30  2020      14134
#>  8 Fairfield (C)              35  2020      13034
#>  9 Fairfield (C)              40  2020      12217
#> 10 Fairfield (C)              45  2020      13449
#> 11 Fairfield (C)              50  2020      13419
#> 12 Fairfield (C)              55  2020      13652
#> 13 Fairfield (C)              60  2020      12907
#> 14 Fairfield (C)              65  2020      10541
#> 15 Fairfield (C)              70  2020       8227
#> 16 Fairfield (C)              75  2020       5598
#> 17 Fairfield (C)              80  2020       4006
#> 18 Fairfield (C)              85  2020       4240

Note that this is a conmat_population object, which is just a data frame that knows which columns represent the age and population information.

We then extrapolate this to home, work, school, other and all settings, using the full POLYMOD data. This gives us a setting prediction matrix.

synthetic_fairfield_5y <- extrapolate_polymod(
  population = fairfield
#> ── Setting Prediction Matrices ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> A list of matrices containing the model predicted contact rate between ages in
#> each setting.
#> • home: a 16x16 <matrix>
#> • work: a 16x16 <matrix>
#> • school: a 16x16 <matrix>
#> • other: a 16x16 <matrix>
#> • all: a 16x16 <matrix>
#>  Access each <matrix> with `x$name`
#>  e.g., `x$home`
#>               [0,5)     [5,10)    [10,15)    [15,20)    [20,25)    [25,30)
#> [0,5)    0.51865034 0.42591293 0.21253741 0.14435655 0.20878566 0.39631863
#> [5,10)   0.45037500 0.72809875 0.47946904 0.17810939 0.11957496 0.20321044
#> [10,15)  0.23662636 0.50481805 0.82915369 0.43830202 0.15539542 0.11386444
#> [15,20)  0.17148825 0.20009270 0.46767441 0.75053183 0.38027025 0.14276361
#> [20,25)  0.26656804 0.14437574 0.17820418 0.40869741 0.65624200 0.36266610
#> [25,30)  0.51055254 0.24756458 0.13175172 0.15481591 0.36592787 0.59325487
#> [30,35)  0.64344136 0.50106655 0.23712829 0.12022852 0.14552109 0.32667414
#> [35,40)  0.44712318 0.60788787 0.46033541 0.20794794 0.10962513 0.12752173
#> [40,45)  0.23145177 0.39334181 0.52413078 0.37987407 0.17896223 0.09160188
#> [45,50)  0.15825964 0.20199612 0.33931078 0.43360418 0.32903240 0.15226089
#> [50,55)  0.16864816 0.13900097 0.17609777 0.28162880 0.37542529 0.28253283
#> [55,60)  0.19740388 0.14381353 0.11738659 0.14014249 0.23326665 0.31217361
#> [60,65)  0.17325617 0.15192784 0.10754708 0.08123470 0.09992246 0.16971767
#> [65,70)  0.10634663 0.11819894 0.09758387 0.06235041 0.04690121 0.06058447
#> [70,75)  0.05640688 0.06898038 0.07006069 0.05183176 0.03329360 0.02796858
#> [75,Inf) 0.05435706 0.06613422 0.06978553 0.06493144 0.05721213 0.05042167
#>             [30,35)    [35,40)    [40,45)    [45,50)    [50,55)    [55,60)
#> [0,5)    0.54212027 0.41470167 0.22375820 0.14821211 0.15227026 0.17701604
#> [5,10)   0.44641167 0.59619115 0.40210735 0.20003684 0.13271034 0.13636727
#> [10,15)  0.22243227 0.47534697 0.56413866 0.35378459 0.17701705 0.11719341
#> [15,20)  0.12033503 0.22911900 0.43627065 0.48239729 0.30207059 0.14928791
#> [20,25)  0.15653809 0.12981537 0.22089569 0.39342286 0.43277726 0.26706502
#> [25,30)  0.35456624 0.15236624 0.11408243 0.18369520 0.32862330 0.36061938
#> [30,35)  0.51508971 0.30411138 0.11932991 0.08598598 0.14278678 0.26084942
#> [35,40)  0.27625538 0.43776483 0.24492742 0.09429733 0.07160585 0.12282759
#> [40,45)  0.10399622 0.23497820 0.38613043 0.22136642 0.09093122 0.07055105
#> [45,50)  0.07735721 0.09338874 0.22851604 0.40480620 0.24677248 0.10164315
#> [50,55)  0.13324201 0.07355693 0.09736390 0.25596273 0.47109723 0.28201873
#> [55,60)  0.24508663 0.12704208 0.07606152 0.10615358 0.28395825 0.51946516
#> [60,65)  0.24216940 0.20806274 0.11263345 0.06883538 0.09816925 0.27060460
#> [65,70)  0.11385151 0.17651258 0.15207814 0.08074963 0.05062331 0.07760322
#> [70,75)  0.04117526 0.08243239 0.12565898 0.10619170 0.05889077 0.04008722
#> [75,Inf) 0.04628606 0.05280563 0.08532641 0.13899657 0.17174000 0.15772157
#>             [60,65)    [65,70)    [70,75)   [75,Inf)
#> [0,5)    0.16521432 0.11982273 0.08265848 0.05014750
#> [5,10)   0.15319685 0.14082590 0.10688934 0.06451683
#> [10,15)  0.11417878 0.12241123 0.11430297 0.07167810
#> [15,20)  0.09202344 0.08345506 0.09022964 0.07116170
#> [20,25)  0.12165488 0.06746941 0.06229074 0.06738897
#> [25,30)  0.20848845 0.08793722 0.05279851 0.05992479
#> [30,35)  0.27408898 0.15225361 0.07161516 0.05068236
#> [35,40)  0.21391671 0.21442852 0.13024007 0.05252487
#> [40,45)  0.11109844 0.17724085 0.19047169 0.08142511
#> [45,50)  0.07009018 0.09714993 0.16616227 0.13692537
#> [50,55)  0.10368143 0.06317315 0.09558045 0.17548148
#> [55,60)  0.28776451 0.09750756 0.06550952 0.16226599
#> [60,65)  0.49195202 0.26740002 0.09904800 0.11104505
#> [65,70)  0.22631063 0.42771285 0.24379777 0.08078800
#> [70,75)  0.06445392 0.18745190 0.34638031 0.11508892
#> [75,Inf) 0.11477965 0.09866634 0.18280815 0.28973562

By full POLYMOD data, we mean these data:

polymod_setting <- get_polymod_setting_data()

polymod_population <- get_polymod_population()

#> ── Setting Data ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> A list of <data.frame>s containing the number of contacts between ages in each
#> setting.
#> • home: a 8,787x5 <data.frame>
#> • work: a 8,787x5 <data.frame>
#> • school: a 8,787x5 <data.frame>
#> • other: a 8,787x5 <data.frame>
#>  Access each <data.frame> with `x$name`
#>  e.g., `x$home`
#> # A tibble: 8,787 × 5
#>    setting age_from age_to contacts participants
#>    <chr>      <int>  <dbl>    <int>        <int>
#>  1 home           0      0       10           92
#>  2 home           0      1        7           92
#>  3 home           0      2       11           92
#>  4 home           0      3       15           92
#>  5 home           0      4       12           92
#>  6 home           0      5        6           92
#>  7 home           0      6        8           92
#>  8 home           0      7        9           92
#>  9 home           0      8        6           92
#> 10 home           0      9        6           92
#> # … with 8,777 more rows
#> # A tibble: 21 × 2 (conmat_population)
#>  - age: lower.age.limit
#>  - population: population
#>    lower.age.limit population
#>              <int>      <dbl>
#>  1               0   1852682.
#>  2               5   1968449.
#>  3              10   2138897.
#>  4              15   2312032.
#>  5              20   2407486.
#>  6              25   2423602.
#>  7              30   2585137.
#>  8              35   2969393.
#>  9              40   3041663.
#> 10              45   2809154.
#> # … with 11 more rows

The extrapolate_polymod() function does the following:

  • Uses an already fit model (polymod_setting_models) of the contact rate to the full POLYMOD data above
  • Predicts it to the provided fairfield population data

It also has options to predict to specified age brackets, defaulting to 5 year age groups up to 75, then 75 and older.

This object, synthetic_fairfield_5y, contains a matrix of predictions for each of the settings, home, work, school, other, and all settings, which is summarised when you print the object to the console:

#> ── Setting Prediction Matrices ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> A list of matrices containing the model predicted contact rate between ages in
#> each setting.
#> • home: a 16x16 <matrix>
#> • work: a 16x16 <matrix>
#> • school: a 16x16 <matrix>
#> • other: a 16x16 <matrix>
#> • all: a 16x16 <matrix>
#>  Access each <matrix> with `x$name`
#>  e.g., `x$home`

You can see more detail by using str if you like:

#> List of 5
#>  $ home  : 'conmat_prediction_matrix' num [1:16, 1:16] 0.519 0.45 0.237 0.171 0.267 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:16] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:16] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>  $ work  : 'conmat_prediction_matrix' num [1:16, 1:16] 0.00251 0.00376 0.00289 0.00414 0.01044 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:16] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:16] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>  $ school: 'conmat_prediction_matrix' num [1:16, 1:16] 1.2044 0.335 0.0555 0.0335 0.0522 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:16] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:16] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>  $ other : 'conmat_prediction_matrix' num [1:16, 1:16] 0.757 0.414 0.157 0.102 0.136 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:16] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:16] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>  $ all   : 'conmat_prediction_matrix' num [1:16, 1:16] 2.482 1.203 0.452 0.311 0.465 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:16] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:16] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "conmat_setting_prediction_matrix" "list"

Generating a Next Generation Matrix

Once infected, a person can transmit an infectious disease to another, creating generations of infected individuals. We can define a matrix describing the number of newly infected individuals in given categories, such as age, for consecutive generations. This matrix is called a “next generation matrix” (NGM).

We can generate an NGM for Australian specific data like so (in a future release we will change this to work for any predicted population)

ngm_fairfield <- generate_ngm(
  lga_name = "Fairfield (C)",
  age_breaks = c(seq(0, 80, by = 5), Inf),
  R_target = 1.5

The output of this is a matrix for each of the settings, where each value is the number of newly infected individuals

#>                [0,5)      [5,10)     [10,15)     [15,20)     [20,25)
#> [0,5)    0.046932897 0.037728586 0.018246153 0.012332791 0.018264934
#> [5,10)   0.049756482 0.078731552 0.050235931 0.018570170 0.012768204
#> [10,15)  0.030815782 0.064337079 0.102367511 0.053846989 0.019554983
#> [15,20)  0.027244618 0.031102130 0.070397325 0.112413979 0.058355869
#> [20,25)  0.061273402 0.032446592 0.038745636 0.088406009 0.145546028
#> [25,30)  0.141125032 0.066868394 0.034401876 0.040212975 0.097510708
#> [30,35)  0.188523058 0.143424225 0.065594864 0.033082542 0.041088733
#> [35,40)  0.129957651 0.172617112 0.126332051 0.056767734 0.030707760
#> [40,45)  0.064505365 0.107117691 0.137976850 0.099478297 0.048080568
#> [45,50)  0.043327748 0.054040906 0.087758926 0.111561661 0.086846257
#> [50,55)  0.046857610 0.037737837 0.046216312 0.073526113 0.100554748
#> [55,60)  0.056707482 0.040363641 0.031843127 0.037816291 0.064585088
#> [60,65)  0.051593433 0.044196244 0.030231912 0.022714725 0.028672419
#> [65,70)  0.030842806 0.033491395 0.026722784 0.016984451 0.013109419
#> [70,75)  0.014913010 0.017823552 0.017503661 0.012882169 0.008487729
#> [75,80)  0.007533183 0.008748265 0.009167352 0.008282818 0.006525350
#> [80,Inf) 0.005764033 0.007061324 0.006974501 0.006653797 0.006946436
#>              [25,30)     [30,35)     [35,40)     [40,45)    [45,50)    [50,55)
#> [0,5)    0.035553728 0.049909162 0.039086807 0.021678420 0.01475638 0.01569532
#> [5,10)   0.022255286 0.050181751 0.068624590 0.047586123 0.02433257 0.01671722
#> [10,15)  0.014698823 0.029478009 0.064516802 0.078738373 0.05076640 0.02631255
#> [15,20)  0.022480484 0.019458760 0.037954874 0.074344522 0.08454498 0.05486635
#> [20,25)  0.082601637 0.036644860 0.031157311 0.054594180 0.10010748 0.11428886
#> [25,30)  0.162451177 0.099860682 0.044026974 0.033973252 0.05637003 0.10478736
#> [30,35)  0.094808673 0.153799306 0.093187087 0.037697219 0.02800133 0.04834149
#> [35,40)  0.036714913 0.081825642 0.133061939 0.076747746 0.03045758 0.02404324
#> [40,45)  0.025290200 0.029532311 0.068463047 0.115949999 0.06850174 0.02924100
#> [45,50)  0.041296038 0.021578321 0.026725521 0.067392877 0.12301340 0.07791638
#> [50,55)  0.077764616 0.037720732 0.021365120 0.029146092 0.07895949 0.15101375
#> [55,60)  0.088832697 0.071744923 0.038161790 0.023552141 0.03387932 0.09420130
#> [60,65)  0.050060880 0.073496380 0.064807991 0.036172941 0.02279123 0.03379717
#> [65,70)  0.017405106 0.033648813 0.053534811 0.047548500 0.02602388 0.01695985
#> [70,75)  0.007325699 0.011090385 0.022775096 0.035771993 0.03114331 0.01794044
#> [75,80)  0.005010072 0.004931920 0.007622938 0.015129757 0.02368369 0.02227803
#> [80,Inf) 0.007161837 0.006559838 0.005869340 0.007389144 0.01404959 0.02591348
#>             [55,60)    [60,65)    [65,70)     [70,75)    [75,80)    [80,Inf)
#> [0,5)    0.01897212 0.01857165 0.01390062 0.009784473 0.00747701 0.004797897
#> [5,10)   0.01786743 0.02106146 0.01998684 0.015482378 0.01149464 0.007780651
#> [10,15)  0.01812580 0.01853812 0.02052412 0.019563013 0.01549537 0.009885475
#> [15,20)  0.02823008 0.01828066 0.01712911 0.018911113 0.01839126 0.012389290
#> [20,25)  0.07355202 0.03527868 0.02024874 0.019111168 0.02223990 0.019858433
#> [25,30)  0.12010229 0.07326374 0.03202991 0.019680657 0.02038909 0.024453665
#> [30,35)  0.09229790 0.10242125 0.05901192 0.028419862 0.01915451 0.021379047
#> [35,40)  0.04309922 0.07926046 0.08239932 0.051238813 0.02599756 0.016798592
#> [40,45)  0.02369797 0.03937963 0.06512416 0.071626035 0.04592924 0.018825552
#> [45,50)  0.03351660 0.02438291 0.03502699 0.061305142 0.07070070 0.035202618
#> [50,55)  0.09442748 0.03663180 0.02313608 0.035824340 0.06749657 0.065908972
#> [55,60)  0.18006504 0.10530918 0.03700272 0.025448876 0.04247786 0.081343708
#> [60,65)  0.09738588 0.18702620 0.10546509 0.040004103 0.02883126 0.059028899
#> [65,70)  0.02716872 0.08365989 0.16397663 0.095689514 0.03598344 0.028972399
#> [70,75)  0.01274965 0.02161666 0.06513453 0.123132981 0.06799937 0.019718215
#> [75,80)  0.01401630 0.01025147 0.01610998 0.044723013 0.07914963 0.028393860
#> [80,Inf) 0.03196516 0.02498789 0.01544015 0.015436882 0.03379784 0.053720539
#> List of 5
#>  $ home  : 'conmat_prediction_matrix' num [1:17, 1:17] 0.0469 0.0498 0.0308 0.0272 0.0613 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:17] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:17] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>  $ school: 'conmat_prediction_matrix' num [1:17, 1:17] 0.02924 0.00987 0.00192 0.0014 0.00308 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:17] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:17] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>  $ work  : 'conmat_prediction_matrix' num [1:17, 1:17] 6.10e-05 1.11e-04 9.98e-05 1.73e-04 6.15e-04 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:17] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:17] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>  $ other : 'conmat_prediction_matrix' num [1:17, 1:17] 0.01837 0.0122 0.00543 0.00426 0.00801 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:17] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:17] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>  $ all   : 'conmat_prediction_matrix' num [1:17, 1:17] 0.0946 0.0719 0.0383 0.0331 0.073 ...
#>   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:17] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>   .. ..$ : chr [1:17] "[0,5)" "[5,10)" "[10,15)" "[15,20)" ...
#>  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "ngm_setting_matrix" "list"

Applying Vaccination Rates

It is important to understand the effect of vaccination on the next generation of infections. We can use apply_vaccination() to return the percentage reduction in acquisition and transmission in each age group.

It takes two key arguments:

  1. The next generation matrix
  2. The vaccination effect data

The vaccination effect could look like the following:

#> # A tibble: 17 × 4
#>    age_band coverage acquisition transmission
#>    <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl>        <dbl>
#>  1 0-4         0           0            0    
#>  2 5-11        0.782       0.583        0.254
#>  3 12-15       0.997       0.631        0.295
#>  4 16-19       0.965       0.786        0.469
#>  5 20-24       0.861       0.774        0.453
#>  6 25-29       0.997       0.778        0.458
#>  7 30-34       0.998       0.803        0.493
#>  8 35-39       0.998       0.829        0.533
#>  9 40-44       0.999       0.841        0.551
#> 10 45-49       0.993       0.847        0.562
#> 11 50-54       0.999       0.857        0.579
#> 12 55-59       0.996       0.864        0.591
#> 13 60-64       0.998       0.858        0.581
#> 14 65-69       0.999       0.864        0.591
#> 15 70-74       0.999       0.867        0.597
#> 16 75-79       0.999       0.866        0.595
#> 17 80+         0.999       0.844        0.556

Each row contains information, for each age band:

  • Coverage % vaccinated
  • Acquisition - probability of acquiring COVID
  • Transmission - the probability of transmission

Then you need to specify the columns in the vaccination effect data frame related to covarege, acquisition, and transmission.

# Apply vaccination effect to next generation matrices
ngm_nsw_vacc <- apply_vaccination(
  ngm = ngm_fairfield,
  data = vaccination_effect_example_data,
  coverage_col = coverage,
  acquisition_col = acquisition,
  transmission_col = transmission

#> ── Vaccination Setting Matrices ────────────────────────────────────────────────
#> A list of matrices, each <matrix> containing the adjusted number of newly
#> infected individuals for age groups. These numbers have been adjusted based on
#> proposed vaccination rates in age groups
#> • home: a 17x17 <matrix>
#> • school: a 17x17 <matrix>
#> • work: a 17x17 <matrix>
#> • other: a 17x17 <matrix>
#> • all: a 17x17 <matrix>
#>  Access each <matrix> with `x$name`
#>  e.g., `x$home`