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Prints data tables stored in sdmtools for their entire length*, but maintains other nice print features of tbl_df, i.e., tibbles.


# S3 method for class 'long_tibble'
print(x, ...)



An object of class long_tibble.


extra arguments for printing


*"entire length" — well really, up to 999 lines, which none currently are.


#> # A tibble: 42 × 3
#>    raster                        terra               comment                    
#>    <chr>                         <chr>               <chr>                      
#>  1 raster, brick, stack          rast                 NA                        
#>  2 rasterFromXYZ                 rast(, type='xyz')  "note arg `type = xyz`"    
#>  3 stack, addLayer               c                    NA                        
#>  4 addLayer                      add<-                NA                        
#>  5 area                          cellSize or expanse  NA                        
#>  6 approxNA                      approximate          NA                        
#>  7 calc                          app                 "think apply family, i.e.,…
#>  8 cellFromLine, cellFromPolygon cells                NA                        
#>  9 cellsFromExtent               cells                NA                        
#> 10 cellStats                     global              "global returns df not vec…
#> 11 clump                         patches              NA                        
#> 12 compareRaster                 compareGeom          NA                        
#> 13 corLocal                      focalPairs           NA                        
#> 14 coordinates                   crds                 NA                        
#> 15 couldBeLonLat                 is.lonlat            NA                        
#> 16 crop                          crop                 NA                        
#> 17 disaggregate                  disagg               NA                        
#> 18 distanceFromPoints            distance             NA                        
#> 19 drawExtent                    draw                 NA                        
#> 20 dropLayer                     subset               NA                        
#> 21 extent                        ext                  NA                        
#> 22 extract                       extract             "cellnumbers in raster bec…
#> 23 getValues                     values              "as.vector an alternative …
#> 24 isLonLat, isGlobalLonLat      is.lonlat            NA                        
#> 25 layerize                      segregate            NA                        
#> 26 layerStats                    layerCor             NA                        
#> 27 movingFun                     roll                 NA                        
#> 28 NAvalue                       NAflag               NA                        
#> 29 nlayers                       nlyr                 NA                        
#> 30 overlay                       lapp                 NA                        
#> 31 projectRaster                 project              NA                        
#> 32 plot                          plot                "maxpixels in raster becom…
#> 33 rasterToPoints                as.points            NA                        
#> 34 rasterToPolygons              as.polygons          NA                        
#> 35 reclassify, subs, cut         classify             NA                        
#> 36 resample                      resample             NA                        
#> 37 sampleRandom, sampleRegular   spatSample           NA                        
#> 38 shapefile                     vect                 NA                        
#> 39 stackApply                    tapp                 NA                        
#> 40 stackSelect                   selectRange          NA                        
#> 41 unstack                       as.list              NA                        
#> 42 writeRaster                   writeRaster         "need to specify file type…