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Given a named list of contact datasets (with names giving the setting, and assumed to together make up the full set of contacts for individuals in the survey), a representative population distribution for the survey, and a set of age breaks at which to aggregate contacts, return a set of predicted contact matrices for each setting, and for all combined. Note that this function is parallelisable with future, and will be impacted by any future plans provided.


  prediction_population = survey_population,
  per_capita_household_size = NULL,
  symmetrical = TRUE,
  school_demographics = NULL,
  work_demographics = NULL



list of data sets with information on the contacts of individuals at different settings


representative population distribution for the survey


population for prediction. The default value set is survey_population


vector depicting age values. For example, c(seq(0, 75, by = 5), Inf)


Optional (defaults to NULL). When set, it adjusts the household contact matrix by some per capita household size. To set it, provide a single number, the per capita household size. More information is provided below in Details. See get_abs_per_capita_household_size() function for a helper for Australian data with a workflow on how to get this number.


whether to enforce symmetrical terms in the model. Defaults to TRUE. See details of fit_single_contact_model for more information.


(optional) defaults to census average proportion at school. You can provide a dataset with columns, "age" (numeric), and "school_fraction" (0-1), if you would like to specify these details. See abs_avg_school for the default values. If you would like to use the original school demographics used in conmat, these are provided in the dataset, conmat_original_school_demographics.


(optional) defaults to census average proportion employed. You can provide a dataset with columns, "age" (numeric), and "work_fraction", if you would like to specify these details. See abs_avg_work for the default values. If you would like to use the original work demographics used in conmat, these are provided in the dataset, conmat_original_work_demographics.


predicted setting specific contact matrices, and for all combined


if (FALSE) {
# takes a long time to run
settings_estimated_contacts <- estimate_setting_contacts(
  contact_data_list = get_polymod_setting_data(),
  survey_population = get_polymod_population(),
  prediction_population = get_polymod_population(),
  age_breaks = c(seq(0, 85, by = 5), Inf),
  per_capita_household_size = NULL

# or predict to fairfield
fairfield_hh <- get_abs_per_capita_household_size(lga = "Fairfield (C)")
contact_model_pred_est <- estimate_setting_contacts(
  contact_data_list = get_polymod_setting_data(),
  survey_population = get_polymod_population(),
  prediction_population = abs_age_lga("Fairfield (C)"),
  age_breaks = c(seq(0, 85, by = 5), Inf),
  per_capita_household_size = fairfield_hh

# or use different populations in school or work demographics
fairfield_hh <- get_abs_per_capita_household_size(lga = "Fairfield (C)")
contact_model_pred_est <- estimate_setting_contacts(
  contact_data_list = get_polymod_setting_data(),
  survey_population = get_polymod_population(),
  prediction_population = abs_age_lga("Fairfield (C)"),
  age_breaks = c(seq(0, 85, by = 5), Inf),
  per_capita_household_size = fairfield_hh,
  school_demographics = conmat_original_school_demographics,
  work_demographics = conmat_original_work_demographics

# or use non-symmetric model terms
contact_model_pred_est <- estimate_setting_contacts(
  contact_data_list = get_polymod_setting_data(),
  survey_population = get_polymod_population(),
  prediction_population = abs_age_lga("Fairfield (C)"),
  age_breaks = c(seq(0, 85, by = 5), Inf),
  per_capita_household_size = fairfield_hh,
  symmetrical = FALSE