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Adds the population distribution of contact ages. Requires a column called "age_to", representing the contact age - the age of the person who had contact. It creates a column, pop_age_to. The population argument defaults to get_polymod_population(), which is a conmat_population object, which has age and population specified. But this can also be a data frame with columns, lower.age.limit, and population. If population is 'polymod' then use the participant-weighted average of POLYMOD country/year distributions. It adds the population via interpolation, using get_age_population_function() to create a function that generates population from ages.


add_population_age_to(contact_data, population = get_polymod_population())



contact data containing columns age_to and age_from


Defaults to get_polymod_population(), a conmat_population object, which specifies the age and population columns. But it can optionally be any data frame with columns, lower.age.limit, and population.


data frame


age_min <- 10
age_max <- 15
all_ages <- age_min:age_max
example_df <- expand_grid(
  age_from = all_ages,
  age_to = all_ages,
#> # A tibble: 36 × 4
#>    age_from age_to pop_age_to intergenerational
#>       <int>  <int>      <dbl>             <int>
#>  1       10     10      0.161                 0
#>  2       10     11      0.163                 1
#>  3       10     12      0.165                 2
#>  4       10     13      0.168                 3
#>  5       10     14      0.170                 4
#>  6       10     15      0.173                 5
#>  7       11     10      0.161                 1
#>  8       11     11      0.163                 0
#>  9       11     12      0.165                 1
#> 10       11     13      0.168                 2
#> # ℹ 26 more rows